Global Green Fund


Climate Change Protocols

The Global commitment to reduce greenhouse gases emissions and global temperatures to reasonable

levels encouraged all nations and transnational companies to bring-in global framework through Kyoto

Protocol and Paris agreements.

Paris Agreement and Kyoto Protocols mandated all participating nations to target to limit increase in

global temperature to 2 C beyond pre-industrial levels and reduce average emissions levels by

5% below 1990 levels respectively. The Kyoto Protocol, which was first legally binding climate pact,

was agreed upon and signed by 192 countries.

Many Governments have already enacted and are continuing to enact legislation and policies to achieve

their obligations as a result of the Protocol. These protocols opened new markets of carbon trading and

carbon tokenization. All corporate companies and nations consciously structuring decisions around

carbon framework. The Protocol lays out a lot of the groundwork for any future international agreement

or series of accords on climate change.

Green Tokens

using Block Chain technologies

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